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Carabineros versus LasTesis

Faites un geste de Résistance, signez la pétition en faveur de LasTesis y en contra de la denuncia de Carabineros

On June 16th 2020, the feminist art collective LASTESIS learned of a criminal investigation opened against them by the National Police Force, the Carabineros de Chile, through the media. Neither the members of LASTESIS, nor their legal representatives, were informed of the charges brought against them. 

In 2019, LASTESIS rattled the world by performing Un Violador En Tu Camino (A Rapist In Your Path,) a powerful performance art piece which decries violence against womxn and the oppressive systems that perpetuate police brutality, rape culture, and femicide. The protest inspired millions of people across the world in Greece, India, France, Germany, Africa, Mexico, Turkey and hundreds more to take to the streets in a united front against the physical and sexual violence all womxn and femmes face at the hands of everyone from police to partners to employers to the state. This past January a group of activists and artists in New York City, came together and performed A Rapist In Your Path in front of the criminal courthouse where Harvey Weinstein was being charged with multiple counts of rape. 

Apoyo Internacional

Las Tesis por denuncia de Carabineros: “Comprueba cómo este sistema nos vulnera y nos violenta” « Diario y Radio U Chile


“Creer que nosotras somos quienes inducimos a la gente a odiar a Carabineros es subestimar al pueblo (…).  Es una comprobación de cómo este sistema nos vulnera y nos violenta todo el rato y, sobre todo, en el encierro”, manifestó.

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